Human Rights Defender Hussein Ali Abdul Nabi, faces Bahrain Court of Injustice February

Human Rights Defender Hussein Ali Abdul Nabi, released on bail on 29th November faces Bahrain Court of Injustice 27th Feb 2014 Bahrain: Arrest of youth activist and human rights defender Mr Hussein Ali Abdul Nabi 13 September, 2013 – frontline defenders On 6 September 2013 the Bahraini authorities arrested Mr Hussein Ali Abdul Nabi, a more »

Photojournalism Under Siege – Reporting Bahrain Uprising, Criminalised, Brutally Punished

Eight Photograhers in Danger 5 January, 2014 – Anonymous Contribution Hussain Hubail is a freelance photographer, 21 years old, he photographs opposition protests in Bahrain, has had his work published by Agence France-Presse and other news outlets. In May, independent newspaper Al-Wasat awarded him a photography prize for his picture of protesters enshrouded in tear more »