Bahrain Regime launch attacks on Shia celebrations of Hazrat Zeynab

Bahrain: Al Khalifa Forces Raid Ceremonies Marking Hazrat Zeynab (SA) Birthday
ABNA – 8 March, 2014

The forces of Al Khalifa regime have attacked ceremonies held to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Zeynab (SA).

The ceremonies, which were held on Thursday night, March 6, in two districts east of Manama, came under attack by regime forces, Al-Wefaq website reported.

They fired tear gas at the participants in the ceremonies, reports said.

Ali Al-Ashiri, a representative of the district in Bahrains parliament (who has resigned), said the move by Al Khalifa regime to attack the celebration was an attempt to restrict people religious freedom.

Bahrain has been the scene of almost daily protests against the Al Khalifa regime since February 2011, when thousands of pro-democracy protesters took to the streets, calling for the royal family to leave power.

The regime has responded to the peaceful demands of the Bahraini people by cracking down on the demonstrations. …more

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