Bahrain continues US backed crackdown with systematic arrests of Democracy leaders

Five Bahraini chanters arrested following mass march 22 February, 2014 SHAFAQNA (International Shia News Association) – Five Bahrainis have been arrested for leading the gigantic mass prodemocracy march that took place last Saturday afternoon, February 15th. Around 300, 000 Bahrainis participated in the march demanding democratic transition and an end to the current tyrannical rule more »

US Crushing Democracy in Bahrain, Obama and Partners keep it Silent, Away, from 'Audience' in West

Bahrain: The silent revolution 14 February, 2014 – Al Jazeera Muted reaction to Bahrain crackdown on pro-democracy activists is in stark contrast to those regarding Syria and Libya Bahraini human rights activist Zainab al-Khawaja was due to be out of prison on February 20. She has been serving concurrent sentences since February 2013. However, she more »