Neoliberal Profiteering more important than Human Rights and Democracy in Bahrain

Business Interests Are More Valuable to Bahrain’s Western Allies Than Democracy and Human Rights 17 August, 2014 – Business Insider I was sentenced to two years in prison for holding what authorities in Bahrain described as “illegal demonstrations” in 2012. In actual fact I was doing my legitimate and peaceful human rights work. I have more »

3 Years Unmitigated Human Rights Abuse – OHCHR to Affirm it's committment to Al Khalifa's Charade

And the Bullshit just keeps coming and the UN Continues the Charade Switzerland read the following joint statement on the opening day of the 24th Session of the Human Rights Council on behalf of 47 co-sponsoring countries including the United States. 24th Session of the Human Rights Council Item 2 – General Debate Joint Statement more »