Uprising anniversary – Bahrain Police unleash murderous scourge against Protesters

Bahrain: security forces shoot boy to the face AlWefaq – 1 Feb.14 Bahrain’s claims of investigations into police human rights abuses are yet again smashed as a picture of a boy’s face, which was covered in blood, emerged last Friday. Just days after the Interior Ministry’s announcement to open an investigation into a police shooting more »

Street Misery – Bahrain Security forces attempt murder of yet another protester

Bahrain security forces shoot directly at protester’s face Hussain Radhi – BCHR – 21 Jan.15 A video has emerged showing Bahrain security forces appearing to shoot a protester in the face at close range, using birdshots. According to activists, the video was filmed Tuesday in the capital Manama’s suburb of Bilad al-Qadeem, which has seen more »